28 August - 1 September 2012, at SECC, Glasgow

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SCB-ES – for the promotion of conservation biology

The Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) is a global community of conservation professionals with more than 12,000 members world-wide and representatives from over 140 countries. The Europe Section of the SCB (SCB-ES) is a regional group of the Society gathering people interested in European conservation and study of biological diversity. The mission of the Europe Section is to promote conservation biology and its application to conserve biological diversity in Europe (like Natura 2000). SCB-ES has an international 12 member Board of Directors and task-oriented committees including Policy, Education, Communication, Membership and Student Affairs Committees.

Activities of the Section in 2010-2011

The Greek Summer Schools (GSS) in 2010 and 2011 were very successful events supported by the SCB Europe Section. As an Erasmus Intensive Programme, the GSS provided a diverse multidisciplinary two-week training programme for 14-18 students from 4 European Universities. Both Summer Schools provided up-to-date scientific knowledge on issues like biodiversity loss, global climate change and GMOs. In addition, the lecturers also gave an overview of the current relevant European conservation policies providing time for open discussions and debates. For more information visit: www.cbcd.eu/gss. The Section also supported the organization of the International School of Conservation Biology –iSCB in Croatia (http://www.hbd1885.hr/iscb/index.html).

The United Nations has established a new science – Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). IPBES is intended to provide independent, timely and effective conservation science and assessments of biodiversity and ecosystem services to the policy sector. The Europe Section took the lead on the SCB involvement in IPBES by forming an ad-hoc committee. Information on IPBES is available at (www.ipbes.net) and if you have questions please feel free to contact the ad-hoc committee through Bengt-Gunnar Jonsson ().

Areas without roads or with low traffic can bring much more benefits to modern societies than one may imagine. A recent publication by members of the Policy Committee of the Europe section of the Society for Conservation Biology in the journal Environmental Management highlights the importance of roadless and low-traffic areas. The study urges to consider these areas in future landscape and transport planning and to avoid further road development in these still unfragmented areas. The authors also recommend legal protection for the remaining European roadless areas as means to ensure that the Natura 2000 network of protected areas can function more effectively and coherently in the face of climate change. For the press release visit our blog: euroconbio.blogspot.com, for the full text version of the paper visit: http://www.springerlink.com/content/60v27n8501822247/fulltext.pdf

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