Abstract Submission - Call for Abstracts
The Scientific Committee is now accepting abstracts for oral and poster presentations. The scientific program will include pre-conference training courses, plenary sessions, symposia with invited speakers and concurrent sessions of contributed oral presentations (15 min) and speed presentations (5 min), poster sessions, workshops and organized discussions.
We invite presentations from all areas of conservation biology, especially those that relate to the main topic of the meeting, which should be interpreted widely, including policy, ecological economics, sociatel issues, media and communication etc.
Abstracts must be submitted electronically by 31st January 2012 (see link below). The official language of the congress is English and all abstracts must be submitted in English.
The Scientific Committee expects to make decisions by 30th March 2012. Notifications will be sent by email only. Please make sure that the email address you are providing is your primary email address and is entered correctly. We encourage you to carefully think about the format that best meets your goals (contributed paper, poster, or speed presentation).
Due to the high level of attendance expected at the meeting and, consequently, limited time and space for oral presentations, poster presentations are strongly encouraged. Posters will be displayed prominently in the coffee and exhibition area and for long periods during the meeting; special sessions dedicated to posters will allow in-depth discussion between authors and attendees.
Please adhere to the following guidelines when preparing your abstract for a speed presentation, oral presentation or poster:
- Oral presentations will be limited to 15 minutes, including 12 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for questions.
- A speed presentation will be 5 minutes. Speed presentations will be organisied into 1h long sessions, including 8 speakers. At the end of the session, there will be a combined 20 minutes for discussion and questions.
- The abstract should include new information. Abstracts should not be submitted for presentations that have been given at previous SCB meetings or similar conferences.
- The abstract should include specific information about the results and conclusions of the research. Abstracts that state “results will be discussed” will not be accepted.
- The communication should have a clear connection to conservation biology.
- Contributed oral presentations will be grouped by topic. Please choose from the list of general topic areas to assist us in selecting an appropriate session for your presentation.
- If your abstract is accepted but cannot be accommodated as an oral presentation, you will be offered a poster and notified as soon as possible so that you will have ample time to prepare a poster.
- Individuals are limited to submit only one abstract on which they are a presenting author. If your name appears on more than one abstract, make sure you are listed as the presenter for only one of them.
Presenting authors (oral or poster) must register early and pay the (early bird) registration fee by 30th April 2012; otherwise their presentation will may be dropped from the program.
Instructions for preparing abstracts
Abstracts should be submitted for oral presentations, speed presentations, poster presentations and for invited symposia. Abstracts for symposium presentations are by invitation only. Please follow the instructions carefully, including all requested information. Any abstract with errors or omissions will be returned to the sender for correction and runs the risk of missing the abstract submission deadline.
Abstract format
1. Title. Titles are limited to 50 words.
2. Type of presentation. Indicate whether the abstract is intended for a Speed, Oral, Poster or an Invited Symposium presentation. Please indicate if you accept changing oral presentation to speed presentation or to poster.
3. Authors. Fill in the name of presenting author in case of speed or oral presentation. Please, write out full first names of authors. Indicate the presenting author by underlining.
4. Student Award. Indicate whether the presentation will be given by a candidate for a student award. Candidates are eligible for the student presentation provided that the presenting author and the first author of the abstract are students (both MSc and PhD). Further instructions on the student award can be found at the bottom of this page.
5. Addresses. List the institutional affiliations and addresses, including countries, for each author. Add the e-mail address of the presenting author.
6. Topic areas. If you are not presenting in an invited symposium, please choose from the list of general topic areas below to assist us in selecting an appropriate session for your presentation. Indicate your first, second, and third choices.
7. Abstract. The body of the abstract is limited to one paragraph of 200 words. Begin with a clear statement of the problem or objectives, give brief methods and major results, and end with a substantial conclusion. Do not use vague statements such as "results will be discussed." Follow the instructions given below to indicate any special formatting or symbols within the abstract. Abstracts that exceed 200 words will not be saved by the system.
8. Comments. List any necessary comments pertaining to your abstract submission, including any special scheduling requests.
Topic Areas
The following general topic areas will be used to place your abstract in an appropriate
session, please indicate your first, second and third choices
Adaptive management
Alien and invasive species
Applied ethics and values
Biodiversity and conservation in non european countries
Climate change and terrestrial and marine biodiversity
Community-driven conservation
Conservation at the science-policy interface
Conservation capacity building
Conservation genetics & medicine
Conservation GIS
Conservation in a socio-economic context
Conservation in agricultural landscapes
Conservation modelling & population viability
Disturbance ecology
Economics of biodiversity & ecosystem services
Ecosystem management: theory and practice
Ecosystem/conservation area management
Ecosystem services
Education and outreach
Environmental politics and policy
Environmental sociology & conservation psychology
Ex-situ conservation
Forest ecology and management
Freshwater and wetland ecology
Game ecology and sustainable hunting
Grassland ecology and management
Habitat fragmentation and metapopulation dynamics
Impact of transport infrastructures
Indigenous knowledge and conservation
Institutional and organisational issues
Integrative/interdisciplinary approaches to conservation
Integrated Land-Sea Planning
Measuring biodiversity (inventory, monitoring)
Land use planning for conservation
Landscape ecology and conservation
Marine conservation
Methods and analytical tools
Miscellaneous topics
Ocean Acidification
Population ecology and conservation
Protected area planning and design, NATURA 2000 & MPAs
Restoration ecology and recovery of endangered species
Risk assessment and uncertainty
Scientists and managers: bridging the gap
Sustainable Fisheries & Aquaculture
Spatial ecology and conservation
Urban ecology and conservation
Submit your abstract here
Symposia Abstract Submissions
If you have been invited to present in a symposia, please submit your abstract here.
Student Award Candidates
Student award candidates (restricted to 15-minute oral presenations, no posters, no speed presentations) must submit two (2) abstracts. One abstract should be submitted through the standard submission system and will be published in the Congress Abstract Book. The second, extended abstract is for evaluation by the award judging panel. BOTH abstracts should be submitted online by 31st January 2012 and formatted according to the instructions provided. The extended abstract should have a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 800 words. The abstract can include a maximum of three figures or tables (total, not three figures and three tables). Abstracts that are not submitted according to these guidelines will not be accepted. Many abstracts have been rejected at SCB meetings simply because these instructions were not followed. The student must be the primary author and must submit the abstract under that name. In other words, please make sure that the name of the student applying for the award and the name of the primary author are identical.
Extended abstract format (only for student award candidates)
1. Presentation title
2. Names and complete contact information for all authors and the roles of each author if you have two or more authors on the abstract you are submitting
3. Degree pursued. Current students and students with a graduation date of 2 September 2012 or later are eligible to apply.
4. Abstract body with figures and tables.
Review of abstracts for selection of finalists:
The regular abstract will go through the overall meeting review process. Abstracts will be selected according to the same criteria as non-SCB Student Award candidates. The extended abstract will go through a review process specifically for ECCB Oral Presentation Award Candidates with selected reviewers.
The selection criteria are:
1. How scientifically rigorous is the research?
2. How novel is the research?
3. How creative is the approach?
4. Does the study have explicit relevance to conservation?
5. How clearly presented is the study in the text of the abstract?
6. Are the figures appropriate and informative?
The reviewing panel selects 8 finalists to present their oral papers at the ECCB. The presentations are judged on the following criteria by a panel of judges. Each judge attends all the presentations.
Criteria of selection of award winners during the special student session:
1. relevance to conservation
2. scientific merit
3. presentation.
Submit the extended abstract here
If you have any problems with the submission, you can send your abtract as an MS word file with embedded figures/tables to the following .